Kampot Pepper fram Since 2013.
Fair Trade Partner, Producer and Exporter.
  • Pepper planting

Company Profile

Our founder comes from a pepper producing family. He has also completed many trainings workshop about pepper processing, exporting pepper from local, etc. 

Riech Mani Co., LTD. was established in early 2021 with a vision of inclusive growth, prospering the local community by keeping a bigger part of the value chain at home.

We are proud that our semi-mechanized pepper processing enterprise in Kampot province.

Our Vision

We have a vision where our highest quality pepper capture the hearts of people of all ages all around the world, becoming the healthy grocery of choice in the local and international market while powering vibrant rural economies.

Our Mission

The mission of Riech Mani Co., LTD. is to supply discerning customers around the world with high-quality pepper that secures good livelihoods for the roasters and contract farmers in small remote communities.

Located in Kampot province, we will strive to promote sustainable rural economic development, working with families in rural communities to make pepper with high productivity across the value chain; preserves and protects the environment that produces it; and complies with international food safety standards.

Why Choose Us?

Kampot pepper delivers a strong and delicate aroma. Its taste, which can range from intensely spicy to mildly sweet, reveals hints of flower, eucalyptus and mint. This black pepper suits all kind of dishes and distinguishes itself in particular with grilled fish.

Kampot peppers’ specificities come from the mildness of their spice, the freshness and complexity of their aromas and their exceptionnal lingering taste.

Our Product

Product 1

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Product 2

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Product 3

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Production Process


There are two varieties of plants used by the farmers in Kampot: Kamchay and Lampong (or Belantoeung), known locally as “big leaves” and “small leaves”.
Replication is done by cuttings. The geographical indication’s book of specifications forbids the use of any other varieties.


Fertilization is applied all year long in different ways: addition of new soil called “virgin soil”, application of cow dung and bat dung (guano). Some producers also produce fertilizers from rice field crabs, cow bone and skin of prawn.
The geographical indication’s book of specifications forbids the use of chemical fertilizers.


Irrigation is paramount to pepper cultivation. If rain fall is plentiful during rainy season, irrigation is necessary during dry season when a vine needs 15 L of water every 3 days.
Most of the plantations in Kampot are irrigated manually using water from ponds nearby.

Pest control

Many producers in Kampot produce today natural pesticides (repulsive) based on local plants – the knowledge transmitted from their ancestors.
The geographical indication’s book of specifications recommends using natural pesticides (not allowed to use any kinds of chemical pesticides).

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